I went up to the yard to be with her while the vet swabbed her. She was quite agitated when I arrived, but settled down once I was there and started munching her hay. The swabbing was not a pleasant experience for her - a swab on the end of a metal rod stuck about 12" up her nose. She coped with it very well considering, and soon went back to her hay.
Red is now out in the field where Dee was, and I shall have to go up to muck out Dee's stable twice a day for the next few days so that she is clean and comfortable. I have to pass the field on the way to the stable, so it will be nice to see Red every day as well and hang out with him, giving him a few treats of apple and carrot.
Daith yn ôl yr prawf gwaed Dee. Anfodus dydy e ddim newyddion da. Ei chyfrifon gwrthgorffyn ydy'r codi. Mae e'n ddim yn meddwl bod strangles arni hi, ond mae hi wedi bod agos strangles. Mae corff Dee yn ymladd yn erbyn rhywbeth. Rhaid i Dee aros yn ei stabl am pump dyddiau.
Es i i'r iard. Bues i gyda hi wrth iddi milfeddyg ei lanhau. Mae hi wedi cynhyrfus pan on i'n cyrraedd, ond ymlaciodd hi gyda fi a fwytais hi gwair. Glanhau dydy ddim profiad pleser i Dee. Rhoiodd milfeddyg yr swab rhwyllen i'w thrwyn. Oedd y swab rhwyllen yn mesur deuddeg modfedd. Ymdopodd hi yn dda. Yn fuan aeth hi yn ôl i wair.
Mae Red yn y maes nawr. Bydd rhaid i mi fynd i'r stabl dwywaith bob dydd am pump dyddiau i glanhau ei stabl. Rhaid i mi pasio y maes ar yr ffordd i'r stabl, felly gwela i Red pob dydd hefyd. Rhoia i fe moron a afalau a byddi i hapus ei gweld.
Oh, I hope that Dee doesn't get sick - I remember that there were lots of horses at the barn where we once boarded in California that were carriers of the disease or had it, but didn't actually get sick. Red must be very happy to see you. Five days in a stall will be tough for Dee. Good luck - I'll be thinking good thoughts for you and the horses.
Hope that Dee doesn't get sick and doesn't mind being in her stall for five days too much. Good luck.
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