I'm picking up on a quiz that is circulating in horse-blog-world. See also
Grey Horse Matters and
A Bay Horse. If you want to join in the quiz the questions are as follows:
1. How old were you when you first started riding?
2. First horse ridden:
3. First horse trotted on:
4. First horse cantered on:
5. First Horse fallen off of:
6. Most recent horse fallen off of
7. Most terrifying fall:
8. First horse jumped with:
9. First horse who ran away with you:
10. First horse that scared the crap out of you:
11. First horse shown :!)
12. First horse to win a class with:
13. Do you/have you taken lessons:
14. First horse you ever rode bareback:
15. First horse trail ridden with:
16. Current Barn name:
17. Do you ride English or western?:18. First Horse to place at a show with:
19. Ever been to horse camp?:
20. Ever been to a riding clinic?
21. Ridden sidesaddle?
22. First horse leased:
23. Last Horse Leased:
24. Highest ribbon in a show:
25. Ever been to an 'A' rated show?:
26. Ever competed in pony games/relay races?:
27. Ever fallen off at a show
28. Do you ride Hunter/Jumpers?:
29. Have you ever barrel raced?
30. Ever done pole bending?:
31. Favorite gait:
32. Ever cantered bareback?:
33. Have you ever done dressage?:
34. Have you ever evented?:
35. Have you ever mucked a stall?:
36. Ever been bucked off?:
37. Ever been on a horse that reared
38. Horses or ponies.
39. Do you wear a helmet?:
40. What's the highest you've jumped:
41. Have you ever ridden at night?:
42. Do you watch horsey television shows?:
43. Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall?:
44. Most falls in one lesson:
45. Do you ride in an arena/ring?:
46. Have you ever been trampled by a horse?:
47. Have you ever been bitten?:
48. Ever had your foot stepped on by a horse?:
49: Favorite riding moment:
50. Most fun horse you've ridden:
So my answers:
1. How old were you when you first started riding? about 8 or 10 I think.
2. First horse ridden: Jason
3. First horse trotted on: Jason
4. First horse cantered on: Midnight (see 9)
5. First Horse fallen off of: Midnight (see 9)
6. Most recent horse fallen off of: Dee
7. Most terrifying fall: I've been pretty lucky in that although I've suffered a few injuries, I've never had a really frightening fall. I think the most frightening experience was coming off Midnight when he bolted, but this was because I was very young, it was the first time I had cantered and he was completely out of control. In my memory he was a huge horse, but in reality he probably was only about 15.2 – I was riding little ponies mostly at that time.
8. First horse jumped with: Whisky
9. First horse who ran away with you: Midnight (see 4, 5 & 7)10. First horse that scared the crap out of you:
Dee11. First horse shown :!)
Whisky – but I've never had the opportunity to do this sort of thing very much.12. First horse to win a class with:
never won anything because I never really entered anything.13. Do you/have you taken lessons:
starting having lessons when I got back into riding in my late 40s, but I don't have lessons now.14. First horse you ever rode bareback:
Jason.15. First horse trail ridden with:
Whisky.16. Current Barn name:
Wyndham Livery.
17. Do you ride English or western?: neither really as I ride treeless and bitless. I use Western reins.18. First Horse to place at a show with:
never happened.19. Ever been to horse camp?:
20. Ever been to a riding clinic? no.
21. Ridden sidesaddle? no.
22. First horse leased: never done this.
23. Last Horse Leased: never done this.24. Highest ribbon in a show:
I've never had a ribbon or a rosette ... sob!25. Ever been to an 'A' rated show?:
don't know what that means.26. Ever competed in pony games/relay races?:
I think I did do a bit of this as a teenager.27. Ever fallen off at a show:
28. Do you ride Hunter/Jumpers?: no.29. Have you ever barrel raced?
no.30. Ever done pole bending?:
no.31. Favorite gait:
canter.32. Ever cantered bareback?:
yes - and stayed on! At one time I used to ride bareback a lot – out on the trail and everywhere.33. Have you ever done dressage?:
a little but only for fun, not competition.34. Have you ever evented?:
35. Have you ever mucked a stall?: I'm tempted to say no ... but the truth is of course yes.36. Ever been bucked off?:
no - I have found I have been able to sit bucks on all the horses I've experienced this with ... so far.37. Ever been on a horse that reared:
yes, Dee. She reared a lot when I first had her – when I was on her and also when I was lunging her. Horses are very large animals when they are rearing in front of you...
38. Horses or ponies.
I have always felt that 14.2 - 15.2 was my ideal size range. Red still feels a bit big for me at 16hh.39. Do you wear a helmet?:
yes, but I didn't when I spent a week on a dude ranch in Montana.40. What's the highest you've jumped:
about 2½ - 3 ft I would guess.41. Have you ever ridden at night?:
yes – in an arena.42. Do you watch horsey television shows?:
occasional.43. Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall?:
yes, 2 years ago I seriously injured my right knee.44. Most falls in one lesson:
only once per lesson was quite enough.45. Do you ride in an arena/ring?:
I do occasionally but only if I have to.46. Have you ever been trampled by a horse?:
no.47. Have you ever been bitten?:
yes, a few times.48. Ever had your foot stepped on by a horse?:
yes, too many times.49: Favorite riding moment:
jumping a really big log in the practice field at Pontcanna. Dee loves to jump and gave me the confidence to try because I knew I could trust her. At least one person had come off already at the jump because it really looked huge as you approached it – it was not terribly high but quite broad. Several other people in the class had refused to try it. I said to Dee: 'Come on Lass, we can do this' and we sailed over it, impressing our instructor. 50. Most fun horse you've ridden:
I think that would have to be Whisky, a 6 year old gelding who I had the pleasure of riding for a few years as a teenager. I used to go out for day-long rides throughout the summer and had a really nice relationship with him. He taught me a lot and I realise with hindsight how much he trusted me.