Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Wonderful Red

I received a lovely message a little while ago:

Hello, I ride up at Briwnant, and found your blog – well actually I decided to try Briwnant out based on your blog.  Red is such a lovely boy, they started me on him back in August after a 15 year break from riding.  I had a fall in December from Major which has knocked my confidence a lot as well as hurting my body too!  Yesterday I plucked up the courage to phone Briwnant up and booked a short lesson and arrived to find Red tacked up ready for my first ride back from my fall. I just wanted to tell you how wonderful he was yesterday – he was perfect for me, very responsive and looked after me really well and I can't wait to get riding again now.  Thanks for reading!  J W

It is so good to receive such nice news of Red.  I wish I was able to ride him more often myself, but I am delighted that other people are able to enjoy him.  He seems to be a great favourite at Briwnant.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Winter feeds

It is at this time of year that I have to keep a close eye on Dee because she can start to lose condition quite quickly.  Often the weather can seem to be moving into spring but then suddenly it becomes very cold.  Last year it also became very wet.  At the moment it is perhaps the coldest it has been this winter.  Dee needs her extra feed to help her keep warm and in condition before the spring grass starts to grow.  It is mercifully dry at least and it feels quite strange to see the track to Briwnant looking quite dusty rather than muddy.

We got Dee in yesterday and gave her a good check over and groom.  She is fine – still a good weight and with a nice shine in her coat.  Her mane is particularly shiny and silky at the moment.  Today we made a quick visit and dropped her feed over the fence onto her haylage.  She is now quite used to and happy with this arrangement for the days I do not get her in.

It looks like it is going to take some time to get Dee used to going out again.  Last week I rode with T out onto the Wenallt horse trail.  We had not got far into the woodland however when Dee freaked and turned for home.  She did not exactly bolt but she was quite definite about heading for home.  I do not know what frightened her, but I was glad it was me on her back and not a less-experienced friend.  She would not respond to gentle encouragement to carry on with the ride and started to back up and jump up her front legs.  I know from experience that this quickly turns in to full rears if I push her, so we had to abandon our ride that day.  We went a little way up the top trail (the one we are not supposed to use) just to finish on her going forward, and then turned and went home.

Dee had been edgy and wound up even in the barn when I was tacking her up, though she was happy to accept her tack and seemed keen to go out.  Never mind . . . I’m sure we’ll do better over the next few weeks.

As we left Briwnant Red was about to go out on a ride.  He accepted a few treats and cuddles.